Rainy days are possibly my favorite kind of days. I feel as if the rain, along with the cloudy skies, give me the perfect environment to relax and ponder. It really is the best environment for reflection.
I love to watch the raindrops, the sound of them is the perfect white noise for meditation. I actually enjoy lightning and thunder. I love them when they are far away and no more than a murmur, or when they are so close and loud they startle me and make me laugh. Everything that comes with rainy days & stormy nights inspires me.

This energy we've been bottling up needs some type of release; we need to be in touch with our emotions in order to tap into the energy we need to access during spell casting.
I personally love to crawl in bed with a good book, or a good movie. Add hot cocoa and a snuggie and it's the perfect environment for relaxation.

Sometimes I just like to stare out the window and watch lightning strike as I ponder about whatever is going on in my life. It's like the rain puts me in some sort of trance; I'm aware of my surroundings but not totally present, I'm in my mind thinking, traveling, daydreaming.
It's not unusual for feelings of melancholy to arise during these periods of time, I welcome them as they come because these feelings need to be addressed. I find that when this happens I usually come to some sort of awakening or conclusion about whatever issue I'm dealing with at the moment.

Love resides with the element of water; and just like water, love is fluid, it has no shape because it takes on the shape of the vessel. We are the vessels, and in order to have a healthy love relationship we must keep ourselves in top shape; by nurturing ourselves, keeping ourselves in touch with our emotions and addressing sadness and melancholy as it occurs --taking an active role in the healing process.

It's such an amazing experience, to feel the cool drops soak the body, soak the soul; it releases bottled up energy, it cleanses the body and mind.
It feels like being kissed by mother nature, surrounded by her love; this love isn't perfect but it's full of energy and healing love. It cleanses the soul and fills it with happiness and positive energy. Overall, it's fun.

Yes, it seems a bit cliché since these images are portrayed during sappy romantic movies; in reality there's a science to it, rain helps to cleanse the soul exponentially.
I absolutely love rainy days... they're good for the soul and necessary for mother earth. It quenches earth's thirst renewing life with each drop. Rainy days are God sent.
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